
GG Fetish Media – Jasmin Jai Manipulated 2

Jasmin and her boyfriend are home for the evening. He started dating her for her looks, but now he’s at the stage where that has all worn off now, and her personality is becoming a real problem. She talks nonstop about herself and her problems, and is very self centered. Finally this evening, he snaps. He hits Jasmin over the head with a small bat. She is completely dazed. Her eyes cross and roll up, then finally she passes out cold. He decides to focus on what he started dating her for – her body. He plays with her while she’s knocked out, and pulls her tits out of her dress. He uses Jasmin’s limp hands and feet to rub on his dick. Each time Jasmin wakes up, she’s knocked out again. Knocked out 3 times total.

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