MissaX – Cherry – Aubrey Sinclair And Krissy Lynn (2018.04.10)
Aubrey hasn’t been herself lately, she’s been up in her head, and it’s made me want to look into what she’s been up to lately. She says she’s going to take a shower when I know she’s already showered hours ago, so I followed her. I pressed my ear to the door wondering the worst, maybe she’s taking something maybe she’s talking on the phone to a much older boy, maybe.. maybe, but I don’t hear anything at all. I crack open the door to see her looking at her vagina with my handheld mirror. I open the door and surprise her, she drops the mirror on the floor.
She was surprised and angry that I barged in on her, but I had to know what she was up to. I know she has a boyfriend, maybe she’d like to talk to a doctor? Someone other than myself. She shakes her head no, but won’t tell me what’s wrong. I tell her that I’ll make an appointment with an OBGYN, but in the meantime we should take a day nap together, and when we wake up it will be a brand new start to the day. She nods and smiles, my sweet little Aubrey has always loved to curl up and nap with me.
I took off my heels and my white doctor’s coat and we both laid in bed. It was then I heard her voice, “Can I ask you something?” I turned around and assured her that she could talk to me about anything. She confided in me that she was still a virgin, but her and her boyfriend have been trying to have sex. “I can’t,” she tells me, “he won’t fit inside of me.”