Missax – Demon Semen
My best girlfriend is staying the night, we go WAY back, we haven’t spent time together since High School. I am excited and happy to be with her. I want it to be just like the old days, I bring out a Ouija Board. We used to play with it when we were so young, giggling, and telling ghost stories. We both place our hands on it, and I swear that she is moving it! It says K-I-S-S H-E-R. I think she wants to kiss me like she did when she was going through an experimental phase. I reminisce about how sweet it was to kiss her, so hot, no one has ever kissed me like that before. She swears to me that she did not move the board, but I know she is lying.. I go to lean in to kiss her, the lights flicker on and off! Is the power going out? I then start to sweat, so hot, I breathe deeply, my breasts falling and rising, they ache. I rub them and move my hands to my wet pussy, throbbing, horny, but I am scared. My girlfriend looks at me with wide eyes. “Stay with me!” I know she wants to get help but I’m terrified. I feel as if something has entered my body.. I fight with some unknown entity within myself. My pajama top gets tighter, the buttons pop off. My clit start to grow, aching, powerful, into something much stronger. My eyes change color and shape. My teeth grow into fangs. The feeling of fear subsides and my thoughts are focused on my newly grown clit. It grows and I rub it. I want to release the aching feeling, I want to release. Fuck, I am so horny! I look my girlfriend over and I want her, My clit takes on the shape of a horse dick, huge, and thick. She is terrified watching me. I want to enter her. I need it. I rub as it grows to capacity, I cum hard, through my silk pants, over my fingers. It feels amazing. The demon takes over completely. She’s going to be mine. I am still hard. I’m going to fuck her. I lunge towards her.