MissaX – Jessa Rhodes, Johnny Sins, Kissa Sins – Wrath of God 2 (06.06.2018)
Brother Johnny assures his nervous sister that they are ready to hit the road again for the lord. I have vetted the homes through FacePage and we’re only going to target single men’s homes, this way you will not be endure the wrath of God by becoming aroused by a beautiful woman. Kissa smiles sweetly, and then ponders on the strangeness that the last woman enjoyed the punishment. Johnny and Kissa come close to the house, “it’s a new house, and there is a single man who just had it built for himself. Come on, let’s tell him all about the word of God, and how he can earn favor with the lord”. The door opens and a stunning blonde supermodel opens the door, “I’m Jessa, who are you guys?” Kissa’s jaw drops in disbelief she looks at her brother, and John knew by her face, she has already had an impure thought. Kissa runs out into the driveway and falls to her knees, she throws her hands up to the sky. The sky turns gray, the clouds rush in, wind gust high, and lightening crashes, “Dear God, give me the strength,” Kissa begs. Thunder answers her and the clouds start to disappear. The breath is knocked from Kissa’s lungs and she is overcome with the strength of the Lord. Johnny runs out, “are you ok? Did he speak to you, sister?” She nods, “oh yes.” She now as the strength to spread the word and convert Jessa’s fine ass into a believer.